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Wigets and GUIs

Jan 9, 2009 at 9:05am
Hello all,

I am fairly new to C++, and am really keen to learn programming :P
My problem is I really want to put my "Hello World" application into a window, and am struggling to find any tutorials or help on the internet (especially tuts for c++). Can someone please explain to me how to put my "Hello World" application into a window, and how I can do it using a 'widget' or GUI

Thanks for your help and time

Max Allen
Jan 9, 2009 at 2:00pm
If you're working with Windows, then this is the place to go: http://www.winprog.org/tutorial/

Keep in mind that it takes a fair bit longer to grasp a hello world win32 than a hello world console. A lot of that code is going to be alien and completely not understandable to a beginner. That is why we start with console applications, after all.
Jan 9, 2009 at 9:43pm
For Linux: http://www.google.com/search?q=linux+gui+tutorial&afid=5052&s=&search=

Keep in mind that on Windows a 'widget' is called a 'control'.

Good luck!
Jan 9, 2009 at 9:57pm
Hey thanks guys for your help,

Some people have told me that Qt is also the way to go in relation to GUIs, but apparently it is also rather advanced and it is best I learn the basics first. I shall continue my learning on C++ with books, as this is what most people recommend rather than web tutorials. One of the most recommended books I have had to learn C++ is Accelerated C++ by some people called Koenig and Moo.

I am only 14, so I have plenty of time to get the basics down pat ;)
Jan 9, 2009 at 11:11pm
Don't think of being so young as a hinderance, either. Most of us started tinkering with things at a very young age. I personally knew HTML reasonably well at about 13 and C++ I took in school at 15.
Jan 10, 2009 at 12:08am
Nice :D,

You must be pretty good at it now then, what is your opinion on Books vs Web tuts?

I also figured out how to put it into a window, all I had to do was make a different type of project rather than a Win32 console app.
Last edited on Jan 10, 2009 at 12:10am
Jan 10, 2009 at 12:37am
While creating a Win32 GUI project should give you the code base for a windows program, it doesn't teach you what any of that means or how it works.

Anyway, I think books and web tutorials are both great resources with their own advantages and disadvantages. You have to pay for a book, but its always there for you. You might not be able to find a web tut tomorrow that you just looked at yesterday.

As for being good at it.... I think not XD
Jan 10, 2009 at 3:26am
Read the Petzold.
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