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which compiler is better?

Pages: 12
Jan 10, 2009 at 12:12am
MS Visual 2005 C++ Express edition
I was having problems with the 2008 one and I think 2005 is best ;)
Jan 10, 2009 at 12:43am
Okay, so on one side we have the Microsoft fanboy, and on the other what appears to be the Microsoft hater.
I won't even bother to reply to the fanboy, as the very wording of the post lacks credibility.

Dacster: Your argument is pretty weak. So because Apple wrote a graphical user interface, no one else is ever allowed to write another one?
Once the first spreadsheet program is finished, that's it? That'll be the last spreadsheet program ever to exist?
Wouldn't that person or company have a monopoly on their hands, then?
There's nothing wrong in copying someone else's idea and reinventing it yourself. Hell, some of the best products were born this way. Just because Windows's interface is a copy of Apple's OS's, it doesn't make it inferior.
And, by the way, Apple bought the design for the mouse from Xerox. As I understand it, the Xerox executives failed to see its awesomeness, so it was a bargain.
One man's garbage is another man's treasure, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Jan 10, 2009 at 5:50am

Once the first spreadsheet program is finished, that's it? That'll be the last spreadsheet program ever to exist?
Wouldn't that person or company have a monopoly on their hands, then?

Well I'm not really saying copying ideas and reinventing them is wrong sorry if it appears that way. My point in saying what I said, is due to the fact that ideas are what makes the programs great MS or otherwise, and since other programs use the same ideas as well, it doesn't make them inferior or any less great. That's why I want other people to try the programs first, that way they can see the good and bad points of each one themselves.

And I'm not a microsoft hater. I actually use microsoft products as well. I just don't like it when some people discriminate on all other software applications just because it wasn't made by certain company/companies without any basis whatsoever, and without even trying other programs which is pretty much prejudice in my opinion.
Last edited on Jan 10, 2009 at 5:52am
Jan 11, 2009 at 7:43pm
Gah, another stupid "this is better because I said" thread.

Plain and simple. No single compiler is "better" than the others. They all have their own pros and cons. It's about picking the one most suited to the work your going to be doing.

Have a look at the different compilers and pick one that suits you.
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Pages: 12