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which compiler is better?

Pages: 12
Dec 20, 2008 at 9:31pm
I want to start to learn programming but the main thing is that i don't know which compiler is better.

Any suggestions?
Dec 20, 2008 at 9:34pm
Out of what...?
Dec 20, 2008 at 9:38pm
Just pick the one that is easiest to get (not Borland). For a beginner, there really isn't much difference.
Dec 20, 2008 at 10:25pm
Dev C++


Microsoft Visual
Dec 21, 2008 at 6:51am
Microsoft Visual...
Dec 21, 2008 at 12:19pm
Technically, Microsoft Visual Studio is not a compiler.
It is much more than that.
The amount of help/documentation that comes with it is tremendous (I think every windows function is documented), plus
all the samples.
Unfortunately it means that people would actually have to use these tools,
and it is clear from some of the questions asked that they do not do this.
My personal advice (and I'm entitled to it) is that if you are going to
spend 80+ % of your time doing windows stuff:

1. Throw DEVC++ in the bin !!!!!!!!!!
2. Get Microsoft Visual Studio Express and the SDK (It's every bit as free as DEVC++)
3. Learn how to use the facilities in MS Visual Studio ( cuts down on stupid questions).
Dec 21, 2008 at 4:27pm
as a general rule of thumb I stay away from microsoft as much as I can. (I say that while typing on a windows vista machine.)

MS Visual Studio is worth looking at? I tryed it once. Spend 15 minutes trying to make my program execute. No I didnt read the docs, something that simple shouldnt be hard to do/find.
Dec 21, 2008 at 4:34pm
I hate microsoft. But I do use Visual C++ 2008 as it is very fast, very helpful, full of docs, as well as user friendly.
Dec 21, 2008 at 4:59pm
Before I go DL and test MS Visual ??? I want to be perfectly clear on what program I should go looking for.

MS Visual:
Studio express
Studio 2008
C++ 2005
C++ 2008

95%+ of my programs will be written in and for windows vista. I currently use Dev-C++. Im a programming noob.

Another thing I hate about microsoft, aside from their prices, the names they use and the descriptions they give make it next to impossible for a no-nothin like me to know what product is best for me.

Thanks for your help and your advice.
Dec 21, 2008 at 5:07pm
I think you are looking for this:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (Express Edition)
Dec 21, 2008 at 5:09pm
Thank you Bazzy
Dec 21, 2008 at 5:21pm
I too am a beginner. Thus far I have tried Borland, MS Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition, and Dev-C++.

I didn't like Borland at all. I felt the interface was cumbersom to use. Also, the editor did not indent as I wanted. And the straw that broke the camels back was that code I had written that worked on MS VS 2008 ED and Dev-C++ didn't always work on Borland.

MS VS 2008 has a great editor. It works perfectly for how I want my indents. It seems very good at pointing out where my mistakes were also. The only flaw that I saw was that in order to run the programs it produces you had to install the runtime components, which in my opinion makes it more difficult to distribute. I also noticed that typically speaking, the console programs created with MS VS 2008 were substantially smaller than that of Dev-C++ though I don't care if my console program is 400k instead of 30k.

Dev-C++ is fairly good at telling you where your problems are but not as good as the MS option. The editor also doesn't indent as I would like however I am getting used to doing this myself. So far, all the programs I have writtens have compiled on both the MS option as well as this so they both seem to do well there for me. With Dev-C++ you (as far as I have seen thus far) do not need to install any runtime components on the destination machine. Because of this, it has been my compiler of choice.
Dec 21, 2008 at 5:32pm
As Bruce Eckel has said in his book "Thinking C++" the "pattern of conformity to standart" is EDG(Edison Design Group) compiler. I can't say anything about that compiler, because I haven't used it. I'm using GCC and I like it.
Dec 22, 2008 at 4:56pm
I still like Dev C++, I find MS Visual way to hard to use, I don't even know how to compile it, (Anyone willing to tell me please do) Dev C++ is still free and I find it just easy to use for a first timer like me
Dec 22, 2008 at 5:18pm
In VC++ IDE:
F5 = Compile & Run
F7 = Compile
Dec 22, 2008 at 6:36pm

A compiler is the thing that turns the program into machine code, i.e. MinGW or g++.

An IDE is what you use to program in, such as Dev-C++, Code::Blocks, Eclipse, and so on.

Big difference, as not all IDEs come with compilers (sometimes you download them separately), and not all compilers have IDEs with them.

EDIT: fixed the error Bazzy pointed out.
Last edited on Dec 22, 2008 at 6:53pm
Dec 22, 2008 at 6:50pm
VC++ is both the name of a compiler and its IDE (the Express edition)
Jan 9, 2009 at 10:38pm
Well, I just registered just to answer the question.
You know? All of us was beginners. I am a MS lover because the programs they make are really great. And I think most of the people, mmm.., don't know MS.
I think the best compiler and the most advance one is Microsoft Visual Studio. Once you learned to use it you will understand what I'm talking about. I admit that it is hard to use first, but trust me, there's no compiler, editor and actually IDE like Visual Studio. The way it recognizes your code is great.
I'm a contestant for ACM ICPC and choosing the correct compiler and IDE is the most important thing after learning how to code. And I really think the best choice for me is Visual Studio.
And another thing is that if you begin with a great tool, you have the chance to be a part of real programming world sooner.
You chose the best programming language (C++) so choose the best IDE (Visual Studio) - I really mean it. Trust me. It really worth the first hard part. ;)
Good coding. :D ;)
Jan 9, 2009 at 10:39pm
Another note for this forum's developers. The forum is great. It is really dynamic, simple, fast and I really loved it.
Thank you for this product.
Jan 9, 2009 at 11:57pm
I am a MS lover because the programs they make are really great.

that sounds a bit biased in my opinion. What makes programs great are features, what makes features great are ideas. What makes an idea great is how it solves a complex problem in simple clever ways. And MS programs which you say are great, uses these great features, which in turn uses those great ideas. But where did those great ideas come from? I mean like MS Excel for example? Ever heard of Visicalc the first spreadsheet program? How about the Graphical User Interface of Windows Operating systems? Ever heard of Apple Lisa? And what about things we ignore today like overlapping windows? Those ideas didn't come from MS and were merely imitated. And other stuff like direct x isn't "originally" from MS either, it was from another company from sweden or finland, I don't really remember exactly where from, and MS bought it and overtook it.

And I think most of the people, mmm.., don't know MS.

I completely agree, and that's why more people use it.

Anyways, In my opinion it's not really a good idea to pick just one compiler. The reasons for this is each compiler usually has compiler specific syntax which won't work on others, so being flexible is still best.

You chose the best programming language (C++) so choose the best IDE (Visual Studio) - I really mean it.

Sounds like a catch phrase. There is no best, it is all relative to something. If C++ is the best then why do some C++ programs need assembly in it? It depends on what you're trying to do really. Just like if you're trying to run a 32-bit program on a 16-bit operating system. The best is being able to use the correct tool for the correct job. My advice would be to try as many as you can, and pick the one that suits you best.
Last edited on Jan 10, 2009 at 12:01am
Pages: 12