Help please.

Please don't spam i'm 13 and trying to learn a new language lol Actualy i like c++ more then most languages i know.

are keys in certain libraries such as something like this #include <keys.c>
or do you find it by weird code if so is there a website that i can go to were i can see what each keys code is called?.Thanks to everyone that helps.
What do you mean by "key"?
like a key on a keyboard say there playing my game and they need to use the arrow key to move that kind of a key.
nevermind i think i found it.
closed account (zb0S216C)
No. The keys are on you keyboard. std::cin reads from its input buffer and processes the characters within the buffer.

When using Windows' SDK, there're predefined numerical constants in the form of hexadecimal that represent each key on the keyboard. With that said, you can handle each key separately.

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