Memory allocated

Hi all!

I have defined a list of vectors and I am worried because my program is going to add a lot of vectors (the vector contains 7 integer elements). I predict there will be around 50,000. One of the differences between lists and vectors I have seen so far is that you don't have to define a specific size for the list, but... should I worry about the space the compiler gives to the list as a standard? How much space does the compiler gives to a list? or is it variable and depends on the requirements during the execution?

Thank you in advanced, I am quite new with lists
In a std::list<T> each node looks like (approximately):

struct _list_node {
    _list_node* next;
    _list_node* prev;
    T                  data;

sizeof( _list_node ) where T = int is 3 words (12 bytes on a 32-bit platform). However, the minimum allocation unit in the memory management system is usually at least 16 bytes. Meaning that for every 4-byte int you store, you consume an additional 12 bytes for other stuff.

So 16 bytes * 7 nodes per list * 50000 lists = 5,600,000 bytes. There are a few extra bytes of overhead per std::list<> instantiation, but that will be relatively insignificant compared to the 5.6M bytes consumed by the nodes.


Since you know the maximum (fixed?) size of the container, and since the elements are just ints, there is hardly any reason not to use std::vector<> over std::list<>. vector's slowest operations -- insert, push_front, and occasionally push_back (when a reallocation is necessary) will perform effectively no worse than any insert into the std::list<>, but push_back can perform better.

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