I have an easy question for you all? I think.
I have installed Visual Studio 2010 and I bought a beginner's book, so I have since come a little further, but.
You have programmed a lot in Visual Basic 6.0, when there was a reserved word you were in doubt as was made clear it up in help, there came an explanation and possible. a small demonstration on the use of that word.
Can it in Visual Studio 2010, I have tried and tried and I've searched for the word, but I do not sin I get some good advice.
If I for example search on the word Console.Write - Visual # then I get nothing I can really use.
Is there anywhere where I can look at such words?
You are not so good at English, so this is written in Danish and translated by Google
What I want is:
If I write Concole.WriteLine ("Hello"); then comes to stand Hello on the screen.
My question is:
If I create a variable instance. var1 and then puts var1 to 3, so I want to know how I get on screen var1 written out so that there will be third
Komminikation is difficult, but thanks for asking.
Hello to everyone.
First thanks for your help everyone and many thanks to ne55, yes it was just what I needed, but it's a little difficult that I had not found it, but the first one becomes blind's eyes.
Now I got it to run, and now I will work with the plains.
Many thanks.