1. why (a=1) != (a==1)??
what is the difference of (=) with (==)?
2. what is header files?
and what is <iostream> mean?what for is that?
---absolutely beginner---
'=' is an assignament symbol. You give the value at right to the variable at left.
'a = 4'
You made the number 4 be stored in the variable 'a'.
'==' is the equality symbol... In math, is like '=' (Remember that in C++ '=' is an assignament symbol!).
Aboout header:
They are files that allow you to do certain things, like, <string> allows you to use strings.
<iostream> is the most "basic" of them... Used in most programs. It allows use a lot of specific commands, etc.
(Sorry for my bad english >.<")
(I hope that is right...)