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//File name PaintRoom
//Description: This program is given the length and width of a region to
//be painted, and the price of a gallon of paint as input. The square
//footage of the region is calculated, and the number of gallons of paint
//needed to cover the region, and the cost is determined. One gallon of
//paint will cover 200 square feet of the region.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std ;
// function prototypes
int GetLength();
int GetWidth();
double GetGallonCost();
int ComputeArea( int, int );
int FindGallons( int );
double ComputeCost( double, int );
void PrintResults( int, int, double );
// global constants
const int COVERAGE = 200; // 1 gallon of paint will cover 200 sq. ft.
int main()
// local variable declarations for main
int length; // length of the region to be covered
int width; // width of the region to be covered
int area; // area of the region to be covered; long int
// would be required to store large areas
int gallons; // number of gallons needed to cover the region
double gallon_cost; // price of a gallon of paint
double paint_cost; // the cost of the paint needed
// input data
length = GetLength();
width = GetWidth();
gallon_cost = GetGallonCost();
// process data
area = ComputeArea( length, width );
gallons = FindGallons( area ); // find number of gallons to
paint_cost = ComputeCost( gallon_cost, gallons ); // compute cost of paint
// print results
PrintResults( gallons, area, paint_cost );
system ("pause");
//Function Name: GetLength
// Prompts the user to input the lenth of a rectangular room
// Returns the int value input by the user
int length;
int GetLength()
cout << "Length?\n";
cin >> length;
return 1;
//Function Name: GetWidth
// Prompts the user to input the width of a rectangular room
// Returns the int value input by the user
int width;
int GetWidth()
cout << "Width?\n";
cin >> width;
return 1;
//Function Name: GetGallonCost
//Prmpts the user to input the cost of a gallon of paint
//Returns the value input by the user
double gallon_cost;
double GetGallonCost()
cout << "Cost per gallon of paint?\n";
cin >> gallon_cost;
return 1.0;
//Function Name: ComputeArea
// Formal parameters are the length and width of a rectangle
// Calculates and returns the rectangle area
int area;
int ComputeArea( int length, int width)
area = length * width;
cout << area;
return 1;
//Function Name: FindGallons
//Calculates and returns the number of gallons of paint needed
// Formal parameter is the area to be painted
// Global constant COVERAGE tells the number of square feet
// covered by one gallon
// Calculates and returns the number of gallons
// Paint must be purchased by the gallon so if (Area / COVERAGE)
// yields a remainder, round up to the highest integer
int FindGallons( int paint_area )
cout << area / COVERAGE;
if (COVERAGE <= 200)
else if (COVERAGE > 200 && COVERAGE <= 400)
return 1;
//Function Name: ComputeCost
//Computes how much it would cost to buy all the paint necessary
//to cover the region.
// Formal parameters are the cost per gallon and the number of gallons
// of paint needed
double ComputeCost( double gallon_price, int num_gallons )
return 1.0;
//Function Name: PrintResults
// A void function
// Formal parameters are the number of gallons, the area to be painted,
// and the total cost of the paint required.
// Prints a message to the screen stating the number of gallons,
// the area, and the post of the piant.
void PrintResults( int gallons, int area, double paint_cost )
// end of function declarations
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