I'm wondering how to get this working:
-I have a class "B" that has a variable of class "A".
-Objects of Class "A" have a pointer to the original "creator object" of class "B" so they can access the original instance.
You can't inline this just with a forward declaration. Remember, a forward declaration knows nothing about the class, it only allows you to use pointers or references, not methods.
-Objects of Class "A" have a pointer to the original "creator object" of class "B" so they can access the original instance.
Also notice this shouldn't be necessary at all. If A has a pointer to an object of type B, A should know how to manipulate B, but B shouldn't know anything about A.
@filipe: I'm afraid I don't fully understand what you are saying there (in the edit).
As you can see in the "example": "A" can manipulate "B", however "A" ought to be accessed only from "B"..
Let's put it more into english words:
Suppose I have a "Car" (object "B").. That care has a certain "state" (object A) which defines what it is doing (parking, driving, etc)..
Then what I would like to do is: let "Car" call: "State.doit()".. State.doit should then access the car object who called the function & update the car object (position, speed etc).
Such simple states could be held in an enumeration:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
class Car {
// ...
enum State { parked, parking, driving };
// ...
State state;
Car's methods would ensure the state variable gets set to a proper value when needed. They could also check the state to verify which behavior they're looking for. If states get too complicated, they could be a local class, since they only make sense inside the class.
Problem with enumerates is that I have to "link" it to the function I would use when calling "doit" (in the class one of the members should simply be a functor)..
I'd like to make system where extending (thus adding an extra state & all code that belongs to this state) is very easily possible.