usingnamespace std;
int x; // global variable
void f() // function definition
staticint y; // static variable y can be used by
// local class
// int x; // auto variable x cannot be used by
// local class
externint g(); // extern function g can be used by
// local class
class local // local class
int g() { return x; } // error, local variable x
// cannot be used by g
int h() { return y; } // valid,static variable y
int k() { return ::x; } // valid, global x
int l() { return g(); } // valid, extern function g
int main()
I as you can see there is class declared locally in the function.What i want to do is to create an object of this local class inside main.Any ideas?Thanks
A class can be defined within a function definition; such a class is called a local class. The name of a local class is local to its enclosing scope. The local class is in the scope of the enclosing scope, and has the same access to names outside the function as does the enclosing function. Declarations in a local class can use only type names, static variables, extern variables and functions, and enumerators from the enclosing scope. [Example:
int x;
void f()
static int s ;
int x;
extern int g();
struct local {
int g() { return x; } // error: x is auto
int h() { return s; } // OK
int k() { return ::x; } // OK
int l() { return g(); } // OK
// ...