Make text emoticons readable for the computer


I am currently working on Visual Studio Code and I was looking for an extension that allows ascii/text emoticon snippets to be readable for the computer.

I stumbled upon an extension called asciimoticons, but it does not work for C++. The other extensions are mainly for simple emojis.

Do you know of an alternative or an extension that allows you to insert text emoticons? Thank you in advance!
What do you mean by “readable”?

Descriptive text for the emoticon?
Or simply able to display the Unicode emoticon character in the Windows Console?
The Windows Command Prompt works hard in not being easily flexible when it comes to displaying extended character sets.
Yes, I mean being able to display the Unicode emoticon character when executed.
For example, if my code contains this emoticon: ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
When executed, it will display a series of specific characters such as

à. \u0085^â\u0085ȼï»\u008câ\u0080ȼ^à. \u0085

Yes, the cmd does not make life easy ε(´סּ︵סּ`)з
Heh, it is easier than you think, but you have to jump the right hoops and press the right buttons.

Give me a day or two and I will give you some code that will work in both Windows Console and Windows Terminal.
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