Templates with a .h and a.cpp file??
Sep 3, 2010 at 3:11am Sep 3, 2010 at 3:11am UTC
From my understanding templates need to be in one file. I thought you couldnt have the interface and implementation split up when using templates. My teacher just posted a linkedlist.h and linkedlist.cpp file and it is using class templates. I am getting linking errors when I try to use the class. Am I correct here
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#ifndef _LinkedList_H
#define _LinkedList_H
#include "dsexceptions.h"
#include <iostream.h> // For NULL
// List class
// CONSTRUCTION: with no initializer
// Access is via ListItr class
// ******************PUBLIC OPERATIONS*********************
// boolean isEmpty( ) --> Return true if empty; else false
// void makeEmpty( ) --> Remove all items
// ListItr zeroth( ) --> Return position to prior to first
// ListItr first( ) --> Return first position
// void insert( x, p ) --> Insert x after current iterator position p
// void remove( x ) --> Remove x
// ListItr find( x ) --> Return position that views x
// ListItr findPrevious( x )
// --> Return position prior to x
// ******************ERRORS********************************
// No special errors
template <class Object>
class List; // Incomplete declaration.
template <class Object>
class ListItr; // Incomplete declaration.
template <class Object>
class ListNode
ListNode( const Object & theElement = Object( ), ListNode * n = NULL )
: element( theElement ), next( n ) { }
Object element;
ListNode *next;
friend class List<Object>;
friend class ListItr<Object>;
template <class Object>
class List
public :
List( );
List( const List & rhs );
~List( );
bool isEmpty( ) const ;
void makeEmpty( );
ListItr<Object> zeroth( ) const ;
ListItr<Object> first( ) const ;
void insert( const Object & x, const ListItr<Object> & p );
ListItr<Object> find( const Object & x ) const ;
ListItr<Object> findPrevious( const Object & x ) const ;
void remove( const Object & x );
const List & operator =( const List & rhs );
private :
ListNode<Object> *header;
// ListItr class; maintains "current position"
// CONSTRUCTION: Package friendly only, with a ListNode
// ******************PUBLIC OPERATIONS*********************
// bool isPastEnd( ) --> True if past end position in list
// void advance( ) --> Advance (if not already null)
// Object retrieve --> Return item in current position
template <class Object>
class ListItr
public :
ListItr( ) : current( NULL ) { }
bool isPastEnd( ) const
{ return current == NULL; }
void advance( )
{ if ( !isPastEnd( ) ) current = current->next; }
const Object & retrieve( ) const
{ if ( isPastEnd( ) ) throw BadIterator( );
return current->element; }
private :
ListNode<Object> *current; // Current position
ListItr( ListNode<Object> *theNode )
: current( theNode ) { }
friend class List<Object>; // Grant access to constructor
#include "LinkedList.cpp"
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#include "LinkedList.h"
* Construct the list.
template <class Object>
List<Object>::List( )
header = new ListNode<Object>;
* Copy constructor.
template <class Object>
List<Object>::List( const List<Object> & rhs )
header = new ListNode<Object>;
*this = rhs;
* Destructor.
template <class Object>
List<Object>::~List( )
makeEmpty( );
delete header;
* Test if the list is logically empty.
* Return true if empty, false, otherwise.
template <class Object>
bool List<Object>::isEmpty( ) const
return header->next == NULL;
* Make the list logically empty.
template <class Object>
void List<Object>::makeEmpty( )
while ( !isEmpty( ) )
remove( first( ).retrieve( ) );
* Return an iterator representing the header node.
template <class Object>
ListItr<Object> List<Object>::zeroth( ) const
return ListItr<Object>( header );
* Return an iterator representing the first node in the list.
* This operation is valid for empty lists.
template <class Object>
ListItr<Object> List<Object>::first( ) const
return ListItr<Object>( header->next );
* Insert item x after p.
template <class Object>
void List<Object>::insert( const Object & x, const ListItr<Object> & p )
if ( p.current != NULL )
p.current->next = new ListNode<Object>( x, p.current->next );
* Return iterator corresponding to the first node containing an item x.
* Iterator isPastEnd if item is not found.
template <class Object>
ListItr<Object> List<Object>::find( const Object & x ) const
/* 1*/ ListNode<Object> *itr = header->next;
/* 2*/ while ( itr != NULL && itr->element != x )
/* 3*/ itr = itr->next;
/* 4*/ return ListItr<Object>( itr );
* Return iterator prior to the first node containing an item x.
template <class Object>
ListItr<Object> List<Object>::findPrevious( const Object & x ) const
/* 1*/ ListNode<Object> *itr = header;
/* 2*/ while ( itr->next != NULL && itr->next->element != x )
/* 3*/ itr = itr->next;
/* 4*/ return ListItr<Object>( itr );
* Remove the first occurrence of an item x.
template <class Object>
void List<Object>::remove( const Object & x )
ListItr<Object> p = findPrevious( x );
if ( p.current->next != NULL )
ListNode<Object> *oldNode = p.current->next;
p.current->next = p.current->next->next; // Bypass deleted node
delete oldNode;
* Deep copy of linked lists.
template <class Object>
const List<Object> & List<Object>::operator =( const List<Object> & rhs )
if ( this != &rhs )
makeEmpty( );
ListItr<Object> ritr = rhs.first( );
ListItr<Object> itr = zeroth( );
for ( ; !ritr.isPastEnd( ); ritr.advance( ), itr.advance( ) )
insert( ritr.retrieve( ), itr );
return *this ;
Sep 3, 2010 at 3:33am Sep 3, 2010 at 3:33am UTC
All of the template functions in the .cpp need to be moved into the .h.
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