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//Grupo # 2
//Rodriguez Rivera, Carlos A. (135994)
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
const double PI = 3.14;
const double RATE = 0.25;
void findArea(float, float&);
void findCircumference(float, float&);
int main()
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
float radius = 12;
cout <<"Main function outer block" << endl;
cout <<" PI, RATE, findArea, findCircumference, radius"
" are active here" << endl << endl;
float area;
cout << "Main function first inner block" << endl;
cout << " PI, RATE, findArea, findCircumference, radius, area"
" are active here" << endl << endl;
findArea(radius, area);
cout << "The radius = " << radius << endl;
cout << "The area = " << area << endl << endl;
float radius = 10;
float circumference;
cout << "Main function second inner block" << endl;
cout << " PI, RATE, findArea, findCircumference, radius (local),\n"
" circumference are active here" << endl << endl;
findCircumference(radius, circumference);
cout << "The radius = " << radius << endl;
cout << "The circumference = " << circumference << endl << endl;
cout << "Main function after all the calls" << endl;
cout << " PI, RATE, findArea, findCircumference, radius"
" are active here" << endl << endl;
return 0;
// *********************************************************************
// findArea
// task: This function finds the area of a circle given its radius
// data in: radius of a circle
// data out: answer (which alters the corresponding actual parameter)
// ********************************************************************
void findArea(float rad, float& answer)
cout << "AREA FUNCTION" << endl;
cout << " PI, RATE, findArea, findCircumference, rad, answer"
" are active here" << endl << endl;
// FILL in the code, given that parameter rad contains the radius, that
// will find the areato be stored in answer
answer = PI * rad * rad;
// ******************************************************************************
// findCircumference
// task: This function finds the circumference of a circle given its radius
// data in: radius of a circle
// data out: distance (which alters the corresponding actual parameter)
// *****************************************************************************
void findCircumference(float length, float& distance)
cout << " PI, RATE, findArea, findCircumference, length, distance"
" are active here" << endl << endl;
// FILL in the code, given that parameter length contains the radius,
// that will find the circumference to be stored in distance
distance = 2 * PI * length;
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