Certification programs?

Soo, yeah. I posted this question last night and I am not sure what happened to it, weather there was a problem with what I said or if something else happened. But if it happens again I guess I will just stop posting here. Idk what else to do, no reason to post if it's just gonna get taken down.

What are some good certification programs, and in terms of game development, what should I choose.

If it exists, should i get certified in game development, or would it just be better to do software engineer or computer science.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Grand Master stickshift wrote:
If it exists, should i get certified in game development, or would it just be better to do software engineer or computer science.
I would personally do Computer Science and learn game development as a side line or part of the Computer Science course.
Ok sounds good, can you recommend any that I could check out?

also how do you quote.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
I did a degree twenty odd years ago and am not overly up on education courses and the moment. I tend to go for things like edX and pluralsight


Grand Master stickshift wrote:
also how do you quote.

okay lets see if this works...
[quote=Grand Master stickshift]also how do you quote.[/quote]
it didn't work

Grey Wolf wrote:
okay lets see if this works...

ooh but mines did

Last edited on
closed account (z05DSL3A)
The bit I was seeing if it worked was manipulating the text so it showed what you need to type with out being converted. :0)

You can also leave the =username bit out [quote]...[/quote] to get
this style
oooh thx Grey
So everyone tells me that certificates are useless. And that the bottom line for getting hired at any company is a college degree.
Do idk what I'm going to do.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Not everyone has told you certification is useless...and a degree is just certification anyway.
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