I am my wits end
May 25, 2010 at 12:41pm
The space at the end of some employee ID is killing me.. Can someone teach how can i exclude them?
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ifstream infile ;
infile.open("UEMPLOYEE.DAT",ios::in) ;
if (infile.fail())
cerr << "The UEMPLOYEE file does not exist" ;
system("pause") ;
exit(1) ;
ofstream outfile ;
outfile.open("EXTRA.dat",ios::app) ;
if (outfile.fail())
cerr << "Storage does not has enough space!!" ;
system("pause") ;
exit(1) ;
infile.get(Department,7) ;
infile >> NumberofEmployee ;
infile.ignore(20,'\n') ;
for(int i =0 ; i<NumberofEmployee ; i ++)
infile.get(temp2[i],7) ;
infile.ignore(80,'\n') ;
for (int k = 0 ; k<6 ; k++)
int z = 0 ;
if (temp2[i][k] == ' ')
ifstream in ;
in.open("UEMPLOYEE.DAT",ios::in) ;
in.ignore(100,'\n') ;
in.get(temp2[i],k+1) ;
cout << temp2[i] ;
| |
A34889Tan Beng Soo 7789456S0 0 1000
Z23669Tan Chee Y ong 5668877S0 0 2000
D2345 Shiva Kumar 3744552H5 4 20
D231 Krishna Barika 1567304H6 5 10
May 25, 2010 at 1:33pm
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