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Soliciting advises

Aug 2, 2018 at 2:23am

The summer semester is coming to an end. The beginner course in programming is the only course for the Associates Degree and I feel that it's not enough. I'd like to pursue it some more and get a little more in depth. We weren't even taught Bool and For functions. I bought books and a course on Udemy.com. What else can someone like me do to get more immersion in C++?

Aug 2, 2018 at 2:32am
Find a project online to contribute.
Take other programming classes, even if not required.
Write something you find useful, start small and / or ask friends for ideas.
Recreate programs from DOS, Windows or Unix but in your own code.

The sky is the limit...

*edit* Actually that's not true..... The end of the universe is the known limit.... But there is plenty of unknown...
Last edited on Aug 2, 2018 at 2:34am
Aug 2, 2018 at 6:59am
Try some tasks at codechef.com
Aug 2, 2018 at 7:21am
I guess the real question is what you want to do? Games, accounting apps, tools, cell phone apps?

For me I've found having three projects work to help me diversify my understanding.

Aug 2, 2018 at 2:33pm
no, its not enough. Associate computer programming degrees are typically geared to get people into intro positions to write sql or use high-level tools that write most of the code for you, like database icon-based tools or the like, or to do simple web development. This isnt an insult, its just the scope of the programs and the very limited amount you can cram into 1/2 the coursework or less (they still insist on many non-major courses for associate degrees, at least in the USA versions I know of).

The advice here is sound: do something. Do a small project, look up online when you get stuck, ask here for help or a review when done. Repeat on a harder project, etc. Add some skills each time ... add a gui, use all the stl containers, do some string processing, and so on... get a book if you want, though they go out of date rather fast and online info is available.
Aug 3, 2018 at 3:03am
It took me just 3/4 of the way through the semester just to grasp the concept of C++. The author of the book that were using is the professor who's teaching us the course but it still wasn't easy. I'm still tripping over my crawls. And most of those free books on Amazon are just a waste of a read.

I don't know what I want to do yet. I think building apps is a consideration but I need to start at the beginning for and first that down before I can go forward.

I just need more explanations and more examples on a certain topic in order to really understand them better.
Aug 3, 2018 at 2:08pm
I've been a software engineer for 30 years and im sure most will agree with this,

i have hundreds of unfinished projects. where i started exploring an idea, then when i'd finally understood it completely i couldnt be bothered to finish the project, just moved on to the next interesting thing.

most of them are from the olden days when computers had 1kb of ram (yes kb not mb) but the premise stands, explore, indulge your interests, and dont be afraid to drop something for something else.

you'll soon get a feel for what kind of code you enjoy writing. for me it was low level stuff, operating systems and compilers and such.
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