I have used boost library, but still getting WA. I don't understand why because boost library is providing precision upto 1024.
1024 what? If it's decimal digits then it's not enough since the OP said the problem needs up to 10000 digits. If it's 1024 bits (which is the case if you're referring to the cpp_int backend), then it's only about 308 decimal digits (divide by log(10)/log(2) or about 3.322). To have room for 10000 decimal digits you need at least 33230 bits.
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#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp>
#include <iostream>
namespace mp = boost::multiprecision;
typedef mp::number<mp::cpp_int_backend<1024, 33333, mp::unsigned_magnitude,
mp::unchecked, void> > uint33333_t;
int main() {
uint33333_t n(1); // start at 1
// double it 33230 times (result is > 10000 decimal digits long)
for (int i = 0; i < 33230; i++) n *= 2;
std::cout << n << '\n'; // output this to a file and look at the file size
But as has already been mentioned, the problem doesn't need multiprecision numbers anyway (if this is the "modulo 3" problem).