problem with implementing this question of codechef

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i done buildit with 15% AC. if anyone want both buildit and two flower then they need to give me "way to work" (partial or fully correct).

1 0 AC
Subtask Score: 5.00% Result - AC
2 1 AC
Subtask Score: 10.00% Result - AC
3 3 TLE
3 4 TLE
Subtask Score: 0.00% Result - RE
4 5 TLE
4 6 TLE
Subtask Score: 0.00% Result - TLE
Total Score = 15.00%
@ipg any hints for two flowers 20 points?It is quite different from hackerrank as we are not given a binary matrix here so it didn't really help.
@honeybuzz you need to convert the input matrix to same as hackerrank metrix. you need to replace with 1 and 0 between number. you need to take first 1 and 2 then 2and 3 ans then 3 and 4 and so on. you first you need to put 1 in location of 1and 2 and rest to zero and so on.
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wouldn't this lead to the time limit exceeding?
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@ipg umm so you mean that I have to check for all pairs (1,2),(1,3),(1,4)....and for each pair, I have to make the rest of the values 0...For example, if I am checking for 1,2 then I will write 1 in place of 1 and 2 and all the rest values will be 0.Then I will check the maximum region like hackerrank.Then I will rewrite all the values in the modified matrix so that all the values again become equal to the given matrix in the question.Then I again follow the same procedure.Don't you think that the complexity would be too high and it would probably give TLE because of all these formations of pairs and then reverting the values back to original after each pair?I haven't even consiered the complexity of actually doing the search for the largest region which would further increase the complexity.
exaclty bhai, you need to do this. you will be able to land at 20% AC.
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@unstoppable13 i reached the maximum limit of massages. i will come up with new id name as ipg 20160699
@yobro but making all pairs of numbers between 1-to 100 will alone be o(n2)...Inside these pairs we will also be modifying and reverting the values which will again take o(n2) making it o(n^4) = 10^8 operations and for each pair, we will also be searching which would results in operations higher than 10^8...Thus I think that would lead to TLE.
I will give it a shot though...
@honeybuzz i implemented it and got 20
closed account (43hf216C)
@leblanc give me 100 twofl for 100 workways PM
@yobro yeah maube I am thinking the wrong way to solve it or the test cases might be weak...Anyway, I am currently implementing it...Lets see.
@texasgirl123 ok wait a minute...
in workways
the maximum value of Di could be 7 or more?
i mean days mean days of a weak?
@texasgirl123 but if you copy fully the code and you will be plagiarism and decreased rating? have you know yet

Can anyone help me degub vision code... I m getting only one case accepted
in workways
the maximum value of Di could be 7 or more?
i mean days mean days of a weak???
Hi, guys rating and ranking updated.
i mean they checked the plagiarism or not. they are going to check or they checked it then updated the rank list. anyone know about this process then please share the experiance , i'm new at codechef.
@ ipg process will take time upto 1 month at least.Dont worry we all are going to be plagarised.
then what about the certification course they offered for those who scored 400+ in this contest and top the college. Exam date is 7th july. anyone apply for this course.
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