I need help with an assignment that asks for me to throw an exception if a value is out of bounds. I am a beginner at exceptions and do not understand what I need to do here to make this work.
My code is listed below. Main calls the retrieve function. I have a lot of processing in main and basically need for main to continue to execute when this exception is thrown. Hoping someone can lead me in the direction I need to go to solve this. Currently, when the condition is true and index is out of bounds, I get a popup with error (see below) and my program stops processing. Thanks!
"Debug Error: This application has requested that Runtime terminate in an unusual way....Press retry to debug the application...Abort, Retry, Cancel".
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template< typename NODETYPE >
NODETYPE List< NODETYPE >::retrieve( int index )
if(index < 0 || index > 100)
throw invalid_argument("index not valid");
//set pointer to the first node
ListNode< NODETYPE > *currentPtr = front;
for(int i=0; i < index; i++)
currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
return currentPtr->data;
......The function call from Main ()
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List < string > test;
cout << "Get the value in index 1000 of the linked list: ";
cout << test.retrieve(1000) << "\n\n\n";
Thanks, I will work on placing a try/catch around the function call in main(). Are there any special #include statements that I need to use to throw these exceptions? I saw conflicting statements about including <stdexcept>. Thanks!