I have a matrix, A, and I want to sort the row indices by the second col, but I don't want to change A. I created an array to keep track of the indices and was planing on sorting that array with qsort. Let's look at some code:
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vector< vector<double> > A;
...// A is given values, A is a n*m matrix (n rows, m col)
int rowIndex[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
rowIndexI[i] = i;
qsort(rowIndex, n, sizeof(int), compare);
Here comes the problem, I need A as input in some way to the compare function. Here's what I want i principal:
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int compare(constint * a, constint * b);{
return 1;
return -1;
return 0;
How can I get the "compare"-function to know A? I would prefer to not make A global, because as I understand it that's bad style.
struct compare_t
// Our functor takes a reference to the table and a column to use when comparing rows
vector <vector <double> > & matrix;
unsigned column;
vector <vector <double> > & matrix,
unsigned column
matrix( matrix ),
column( column )
{ }
// This is the comparison function: taking two rows and comparing them
// by the (previously) specified column
booloperator () ( const vector <double> & lhrow, const vector <double> & rhrow ) const
return lhrow.at( column ) < rhrow.at( column );
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// This, of course, is our matrix
vector <vector <double> > A;
// Somewhere in here we fill it in
// Hopefully there will be at least three columns in each row when done...
// (Otherwise the sorting below will throw an exception)
// Here we use the STL sorting algorithm with our special functor to
// sort the rows of A by the values in the third column
stable_sort( A.begin(), A.end(), compare_t( A, 2 ) );
// All done!
If your sort doesn't need to preserve ordering for equal elements, then you'll get some advantage by just using the std::sort() algorithm.
Notice how I did not use the old C-library qsort() function. The STL sort algorithms are better. :-)