hey guys I wouldn't say I'm new to C++ or programming but my knowledge is not to extensible I would still consider myself a novice anyway I was watching a video about the QT IDE and I'm just wondering what a framework is? and why do different franmeworks exist? also If was writing a program in codeblocks I couldn't use the framework or a library for QT? I thought that when typing c++ all the libraries you need are automatically bundled and ready to be used once you download a compiler? and if I were to run a program I created with the QT framework would I have to have QT installed on that computer in order for my code to run?

here is the video



... I'm just wondering what a framework is?

Google and wiki are your best allies:


also If was writing a program in codeblocks I couldn't use the framework or a library for QT

I would recommend using the QtCreator IDE that comes with Qt, because it is purposed designed for Qt. It is possible to use other IDE's. For example KDevelop can integrate other technologies such as Qt, sfml etc. KDevelop can also be used to develop in over 60 different langues / scripts, provide one has a compiler / interpreter for them.

Code::blocks is widely recognised as not being such a good IDE. My main problem with it is the lack of version control - which is a deal breaker for me. But as I have said elsewhere, there are pros and cons for everything.

and if I were to run a program I created with the QT framework would I have to have QT installed on that computer in order for my code to run?

Yes, one would need it to be installed, in order to compile it, never mind run it. If one is going to paint the house, one needs to have purchased the paint and put it in the bucket. Edit: The installation puts all the header files onto your computer.

I do recommend Qt, it can do all sorts of things. A really big bonus is that comes with about 2,000 sample apps and tons of documentation.

Good Luck !!
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Nothing useful to contribute here, other than that I second the suggestion to start Qt. I started writing GUI programs in Qt and learned a ton; plus, the IDE is amazing and I use it for all of my projects now regardless of whether they have a GUI component or not.
closed account (48T7M4Gy)
Maybe this makes sense:

Qt Creator like VS, C::B, Netbeans et al is the framework to build applications on numerous platforms such as the IOS, android, OSX, linux and windows et al systems

It so happens that Qt Creator is a very good framework. The large, slow download is worth the trouble for C++ among others, GUI applications especially.
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A framework is like a library.
But in a library you have the freedom to call any function anywhere you want.

A framework goes a step further and takes control of your program flow (and sometimes even forces you to a particular paradigm). That way you don't have to bother with the basics you can jump straight to extending the framework.

That's the whole idea, it's that the creators have put forward a "framework" but it's your job to finish the "house".
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