Help Programm!!!

Hi i found this in a site and i did it in C++..But it doesnt work for all the input samples...Can anybody help me?

Each vessel with sonar available, may cover an undersea 9km2 area.

If the allies know the dimensions of the area to meet, they want to be able to calculate the minimum number of detector vessels will be needed to cover the entire region. For example, in a 117km2 areait will take a total of 12 detector vessels. Points tangential to the boundaries of the area need not be detected because there the water depth is not large enough to flee a submarine.

Input Format

Two integers x, y, the dimensions of the region.


3 <= x, y <= 10000
Output Format

An integer, the minimum number of detector vessels will be needed.

Sample Input
9 13

Sample Output
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Hi i found this in a site and i did it in C++..But it doesnt work for all the input samples...Can anybody help me?

What is your broken output? Where is your code?
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