Sorry, Anastasistho, what we hope you will look up in a C++ reference is the phrase
"integer division" - it doesn't quite work as on your calculator, but it will be very helpful to you here.
(15732/100)*100 its still the same(15732)
((15784+50)/100)*100 its the same (15784+50)...
didnt understand..pls be more clear...You are teachers at universities and i am a student 15 years old..
Its not the same...Pls help me
I am actually in programming one. but i can help you. post your actual program that you have so far and I can show you what you need to make it work. the only thing that the people before me are saying is that they want to see your work before helping you. so copy and paste EXACTLY what you have written in your code right now
ok sorry.. now i understand..i want to apology to keskiverto and lastchance...Sorry guys..
No problem Anastasistho - it's great to have some 15 year olds learning to code.
I would encourage you to try what Chervil suggests and get your code to write out what C++ thinks the values of expressions are. You can cut and paste his code into your own environment and try changing values. You might also like to see what happens if you replace 15732 by 15732.0 in that example and see if you can explain the difference in output.
Try Keskiverto's original example, and later on mine, and you will get an idea of why we suggested them. Have a look through other posts as well and you could learn quite a lot.
There is a great tutorial on this site as well. It's well written, with examples, and it starts at a decent level.