I have created a Sudoku Checker Algorithm based on a vector<vector<cell> > of type cell. This specific code is supposed to go through all 9 sub-squares of 3 by 3 and output the boxes with discrepancies. How can I fix the code so that it can do exactly this?
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for(int n = 1; n <= 3; n++){
int s = 0; int t = 0;
for (int row = s*n; row < 3*n; row++, s++){
for (int col = t*n; col < 3*n; col++, t++){
compareNUM = m_map[row][col].getNum();
if (compareNUM == m_map[row][col].getNum()){
if (count <= 2)
cout << "Found Inconsistency in Component Starting at Row " << char('P' + t*n)
<<" Column" << char('A' + t*n) << endl; break; continue;
elseif (m_map[row][col].getNum() == 0){
cout << "Found Inconsistency in Row " << char('P' + row)
<< "Column" << char('A' + col) << endl;
cout << "Found Inconsistency in Component Starting at Row " << char('P' + s*n)
<<" Column" << char('A' + t*n) << endl; break; continue;}
My suggestion is to write a function (like the one I suggested to you in your first related thread) that accepts a collection of elements to check, and returns the indices of any invalid elements.
For instance, define a function named find_violations() which accepts a vector of possibly-invalid values and returns a vector of indices pointing to violations of the constraints.
vector<int> find_violations(vector<cell> cells) {
vector <int> resultfor each i in cells:
ifcells[i] is not marked OR cells[i] is not unique WRT cells
add i to result;
procedure verify_whole_board() {
// sub-procedure check-rows
for each row r in boardbuild a collectionelems containing all the elements in rfor each c in find_violations (elems):
print"violation at r, c"
// sub-procedure check-columns
for each column c in boardbuild a collectionelems containing all the elements in cfor each r in find_violations (elems):
print"violation at r, c"
// Now for each 3x3 block -- same idea as the above for rows and columns:
// This is the tricky part -- do something like this:
intvoffset, hoffset;
vector <cell> block;
for (voffset = 0; voffset <= 6; voffset += 3) {
for (hoffset = 0; hoffset <= 6; voffset += 3) {
block = getblock(voffset, hoffset)
for each index in find_violations(block);
// convert index back to a literal row, column. I think this is correct.
print "violation at (voffset + (index / 3), hoffset + (index % 3))"
vector <cell> getblock(int voffset, int hoffset) {
vector <cell> result;
for (inti = voffset; i < voffset + 3; i ++)
for (intj = hoffset; j < hoffset + 3; j ++)
add board[voffset][hoffset] to result;
For such a long procedure, functional decomposition is your friend. Break things down. Probably even more so then my psuedocode does.
WRT stands for "with respect to". In other words, if the currently-considered element is a duplicate of another in cells, then you should add it to the list of violations. Same thing if it's un-marked.
void verify_whole_board() {
// sub-procedure check-rows
for (int r = 0; r < 9; r++){
for(int c = 0; c < 9; c++)
if (find_violations (r) != 0)
cout << "Found Inconsistency at Row " << char('P' + r) << "and" << "Column" << char('A' + c) << endl;
// sub-procedure check-columns
for (int c = 0; c < 9; c++){
for(int r = 0; r < 9; r++)
if (find_violations (c) != 0)
cout << "Found Inconsistency at Row " << char('P' + r) << "and" << "Column" << char('A' + c) << endl;
// Now for each 3x3 block -- same idea as the above for rows and columns:
// This is the tricky part -- do something like this:
int result = 0;
int voffset = 0, hoffset = 0;
vector <cell> block;
for (voffset = 0; voffset <= 6; voffset += 3) {
for (hoffset = 0; hoffset <= 6; voffset += 3) {
result = getblock(voffset, hoffset);
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){ find_violations(result);
// convert index back to a literal row, column. I think this is correct.
cout << "Found inconsistency at" << char('P' + (voffset + (i / 3)) << "and" << char('A' + hoffset + (i % 3)));
vector <cell> getblock(int voffset, int hoffset) {
vector <cell> result;
for (int i = voffset; i < voffset + 3; i ++)
for (int j = hoffset; j < hoffset + 3; j ++)
result += board[voffset][hoffset];
return result;
I think you're misunderstanding what find_violations() is intended to do. As I wrote it, it's supposed to take in a bunch of cells, and tell you which of them are duplicates or unset -- which ones violate the alldifferent constraint (duplicate cells) or the node-consistency constraint (unset cells).
You can take the output of that function and convert each location it returned back into a row and column number.
I guess I should point out that violations = find_violations(elems), each time it appears...
I've edited my psuedocode slightly to fix some typos, and to make that clearer.