programming ideas teaching myself

Hi I'm yet another person teaching myself C++. In the last month or so I've gotten halfway through the tutorials and made it through the pointers section but I'm gradually thinking, although I don't want to go on another site because it seems silly to try looking for somewhere else better to teach myself it than the C++ site itself, I need to keep getting ideas for programming, especially since I got to pointers and was stuck as to what I want to code which uses it. Tried messing around to write a short programme to use pointers in applying the Vigenere cipher to a piece of text, but it either doesn't work because I'm trying to write code which will distinguish between the int and char elements in a string(don't think I can do that yet because as a string literal, or object or whatever-yes I know strings aren't defined as objects in c++-it reads the elements as both types if you base it on size of memory), or it turns out not to really need pointers at all and becomes disappointingly simple.

I have already written a lot of smaller programs based on my own random ideas while working through tutorials, and one reason for doing this is that I'm soon to start a masters in cryptography at a university where I want to take electives in the Information Security Group department, one of which requires C++, but having missed out on any possible courses in my maths degree(they dropped the programming course from first year long ago) and knowing I want to work either in the maths research or elsewhere in information security or something similar, I want to be able to apply all this practically. So please, please, pleeeease help with some ideas for code!!! I care more about applications using a little maths, a little cryptography than people using sites like project Euler etc. as I'm not planning to do anything where I'll just be solving differential equations(I hate them, even though I got good marks), so...yeah.
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The tutorials on this site are a great reference, although they are perhaps not the best self-paced learning tool. You might take a look at It has more of a book learning feel where you take one chapter at a time with quizzes at the end of each chapter.
Okay thanks :) I am still sticking to this site alone because the other seems to break it down further which I don't want, but if it has more ideas for projects and stuff I'll have a look.
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