Hell, that's some horrendous spelling and horrendous grammar. I'm sorry but you need to fix that.
Did you understand what I just said? When you start a new project in VC++, it asks you for either windows32 application or windows console. If you go windows 32, the compiler expects you to be using the windows API, and therefore it expects winmain() and not main(), etc. Therefore you must choose console.
If that's not the problem then clarify.
Well I sorely apologize but I could hardly read any of it.
If that's the case try reinstalling. You may have accidentally deleted library files somewhere and all the headers would have been destroyed.
And what are you doing with MFC? Is this console or not?
Yap.I always think that."May be its my machine.May it has virus.".But thanks you guys.For know cmdline work for me.It's middle night at home know so am going to sleep.Bye
MFC(microsoft foundation control) is not consel,it base on window programming ,i was just test my IDE.Sorry english is not my mother tauge lang.,am on studying it.