single colin ":" operator name?

Hopefully an easy question.

boxType::boxType(double l, double w, double h)
: rectangleType(l, w)
if (h >= 0)
height = h;
height = 0;

In that code, the class boxType is inheriting rectangleType. The above code is a constructor for boxType, that is passing l and w to it's base class rectangleType. Here is the question... what is the NAME used to refer to the single colin operator that is being used to call the rectangleType constructor?

The single colon signifies the beginning of an initialization list. If boxType inherits rectangleType, it is calling the necessary constructor for rectangleType.
but what is the NAME used when I talk about the single colin?
It is the name of the base class that is being initialized.

ie, it is calling the following constructor:

rectangleType::rectangleType( double, double )
As far as I can tell, it was not given a name. It is simply used to delimit the beginning of an initialization list.
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