Question about Reversing a String
May 11, 2015 at 8:06am
For my homework assignment, I'm suppose to be manipulating an input, and I'm currently stuck on the 'reversing' part of it.
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// Reversing the String
Input = string(Input.rbegin(), Input.rend());
cout << "\nYour input backwards is this:" << Input << endl;
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It compiles, but it doesn't keep the case of the input. For ex: Hello World -> dlrow olleh instead of dlroW olleH.
Also would this code count as an array? Because we weren't suppose to use any.
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// Counting Vowels
int numOfVowels = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Input.length(); i++)
if (Input[i] == 'a' || Input[i] == 'e' || Input[i] == 'i' || Input[i] == 'o'
|| Input[i] == 'u' || Input[i] == 'A' || Input[i] == 'E' || Input[i] == 'I'
|| Input[i] == 'O' || Input[i] == 'U')
cout << "\nThe number of vowels in your input line: " << numOfVowels << endl;
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If it is. How would I go about changing it to a non array..?
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