Bad Code or Bad Computer

This code came from a book called "Beginning C++ Through Game Programming" by Michael Dawson" and the book has a set of codes and the software he used to create and run them. Whenever I try opening the codes it doesn't work. Is my computer bad or is the code bad? He is using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express. (First post so i dont know how things will look)

Edit: He includes all of the code in the book in this pack

// Game Over
// A first C++ program

#include <iostream>

int main()
	std::cout << "Game Over!" << std::endl;
	return 0;
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I dont understand how a bad computer could have anything to do with this. Either way, nothing wrong with the actual code. Its probably something wrong with Visual Studio 2010. I would recommend getting 2013 if you can.

What errors are you getting? Could you copy paste them in here?

Also, please use code tags <> under the format section for all of your code.
Its not an error, its just that the program wont run.

What is a format section? (Really new to this)
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Can you tell us what you mean by the program wont run? Because that doesnt mean anything specific to me. Between

std::cout << "Game Over!" << std::endl;
return 0;

Try putting system("pause"); (this is not the best solution but it works for now so who gives a shit)

Edit: If you click edit on your post. You see format: and a bunch of icons under.
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It is more really of how do I run the program too, the run program file seems to be hollow and un-clickable. I do not understand how to operate this software

Edit: He includes all of the code in the book in this pack
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There is a play button in visual studio, you can click that button to compile your code, or you can press F5. I haven't used 2010 in ages, but I do know you can use F5 I do not however remember if the play buton is there.
This software you are speaking of is called msdos, it is terrible ugly... Oh shit I mean it's the godsend that created windows my friend, not much you can do with it.
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