I'm learning how to use SDL to, for right now, just print a square. It compiles, but the problem is, the console immediately closes down. I've tried using cin.ignore(), and the tutorial says to use SDL_Delay(2000). Here's the code, can you tell me what's wrong with it?
you may want to do some error checking as it looks like you may not be doing any, maybe the bmp is not being loaded or something like that? Can you see the square on the screen when the window comes up?
ah, it looks like you might be having other issues, maybe try some error checking? If I may, work through this first tutorial set starting from setup to getting something on the screen -> http://lazyfoo.net/tutorials/SDL/01_hello_SDL/index.php . You just may be missing something or it cant find a file.
loopdydoo is using sdl_delay, so for now, loopdydoo should not need to use a loop for the image to stay drawn to the viewport. loopdydoo should be able to see the image for 2000 miliseconds or, 2 seconds.