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high schooler internship advice

Sep 3, 2014 at 3:11am
(Sorry if this is in the wrong section of the forum, but it seems best to put it here.)

Hello all.

I am a sophomore in highschool planning to try and find an internship with programming, which can be difficult, so I have a few questions.

1. Where do I need to be in C++? I know almost everything in my book; my book just has a few algorithmic things left.

2. For someone of my age/skill, are there any spots for me? I have read that high schoolers can be hired as interns, but it is more rare. I should note my dad has some good connections, so I think it's more possible than average.

3. What different areas do you know of that might be good to apply for? Software development interests me, if that helps.

4. What other things should I study/be familiar with?

Other notes:
Math skills - AP Geometry I, AP Algebra II

If you are only answering 1 or 2 questions, please indicate which.

Thank you very much!
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