
where i can dl dev c++?
The question is: Which Dev C++? There are both ancient, deprecated versions and some fork that might be almost up to date.

Go for the Orwell version.

Alternatively, use Code::Blocks

The IDE is different, but in both cases you'll get an up-to-date compiler which supports C++11.
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also the official website:
Definitely not the "official"!
zxcyves wrote:
where i can dl dev c++?

The official version is Bloodshed Dev-C++ and it is quite old. Don't download it unless you absolutely, positively don't care about C++11 and improvements to the GCC compiler that Dev-C++ uses under the hood.

The updated unofficial version is Orwell Dev-C++ and you should get that instead.

That said, the best choice for you probably is Visual Studio 2013 Express, which is freeware (requires free registration after 30 days). I assume you use a moderately powerful computer that runs Windows 7 or Windows 8.
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