Reading txt and printing wanted value
Apr 25, 2014 at 12:57pm Apr 25, 2014 at 12:57pm UTC
Hey, I have small problem.. How I can read/print only wanted line/value from file? At the moment when I run it.. it prints whole file (cause of EOF yes) but couldn't figure right one.. :/
Messy question.. but shortly: if user input is "Hamina" it search from file if there is any "Hamina" word and prints it and all numbers after it before next word begins
Hopefully someone understanded what I meant! Thanks:) (sorry c not c++)
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FILE *AvaaTiedosto(char nimi[], char kasittelytapa[]);
int main(void )
setlocale (LC_ALL , "finnish" );
int energiakulutus = 0;
energiakulutus = funktio(energiakulutus);
char kaupunki;
FILE *tiedosto;
char saatieto;
tiedosto = AvaaTiedosto("saatieto.txt" , "r" ); // lukumoodi
printf("Valitse kaupunki: " );
scanf("%s" , &kaupunki);
kaupunki = fgetc(tiedosto);
while (kaupunki != EOF)
printf("%c" , kaupunki);
kaupunki = fgetc(tiedosto);
return 0;
FILE *AvaaTiedosto(char nimi[], char kasittelytapa[])
FILE *tdsto;
tdsto = fopen(nimi, kasittelytapa);
if (tdsto == NULL)
printf("ERROR" );
return tdsto;
Apr 25, 2014 at 1:13pm Apr 25, 2014 at 1:13pm UTC
You can read only one line/chosen line from file.
You will have to read all lines one by one, with search of required phrase in the read line.
Use strstr or similar function see if required word is part of the read line
Apr 25, 2014 at 2:05pm Apr 25, 2014 at 2:05pm UTC
Try with the following code,
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int main()
setlocale (LC_ALL , "finnish" );
FILE *tiedosto = AvaaTiedosto("saatieto.txt" , "r" ); // lukumoodi
printf("Valitse kaupunki: " );
char kaupunki[64];//store input stirng
::memset(kaupunki,0,sizeof (char )*64);
scanf("%s" , &kaupunki);
size_t kaupunkiLen=strlen(kaupunki);
int index=0;
for (char ch = fgetc(tiedosto);ch != EOF;ch = fgetc(tiedosto))
if (ch==kaupunki[index])//compare with input string
if (index==kaupunkiLen)//Matches with input string
for (size_t j=0;j<kaupunkiLen;j++)//output input string
printf("%c" ,kaupunki[j]);
for (char ch1 = fgetc(tiedosto);ch1 != EOF && ch1!='\n' ;ch1 = fgetc(tiedosto))//output upto endof the line
printf("%c" ,ch1);
break ;
return 0;
Valitse kaupunki: Heinola
Let me know if u have any issues with above code.
Last edited on Apr 25, 2014 at 2:06pm Apr 25, 2014 at 2:06pm UTC
Apr 25, 2014 at 2:57pm Apr 25, 2014 at 2:57pm UTC
Thank you very much! You saved my day (and coffee).. :)
Works like I wanted to.. still need to make it look for date too, but think I'll manage with this code.
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