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Creating GUI in C++

Jul 7, 2009 at 6:09pm
Does anyone know how to create a quick GUI in C++?

Maybe in the same way Visual C#? Drag and drop boxes, buttons, etc.
I am only looking for the basic forms stuff, tabs, treelists, buttons, editable textfields and so on.

Heard of MFC, but couldnt find any guides.

Thank you.


Also heard that i could write the GUI in Visual Basic.
Is that an easier way?

Last edited on Jul 7, 2009 at 6:10pm
Jul 8, 2009 at 11:42am
If you want to create GUIs in C++ as in C# you can use Visual C++ with .NET or Qt creator. (there should be also others)
To use MFC you should buy some Visual C++ version ( the express version available for free doesn't have it )

With .Net is very similar using C# VC++ or VBasic
Last edited on Jul 8, 2009 at 11:44am
Jul 9, 2009 at 2:38am
Check out wxDev-C++ (Windows only). The IDE is free and open source, and uses the wxWidgets library for building GUIs. Under Linux, I use wxGlade to build the GUI and NetBeans for an IDE. Works great.
Jul 9, 2009 at 2:28pm
Thank you.

I dont know Dev C++, so dont think that is for me.
I looked at Qt, but i didnt understand it.
Then i found out that VC++ has the same thing as VC#, just that you have to create a Resource Item.

Now i'd like some guides so i can make it alive.
Any guide on how to tell it to do this when i press this button, link this textbox so this array, create nodes in the treelist by reading this array and so on?
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