development environment with gcc

i've been using vs2008, but i need to move some stuff over to unix. what do people use as an editor when they compile with gcc? does anyone have any suggestions that will get me running faster (besides RTFM)? I apologize for this hugely vague question. I feel sorta rudderless here.
I use nedit ( but as far as I can tell, it is no longer maintained. The website has not changed in years, nor has there been a new release in years. Noneless IMO it is a fully functional editor for those who don't care to use a whole IDE for development.

I use Code::Blocks. It's not as nice as VS, but it's still pretty great.
jsmith & disch,
thank you very much. I'll check both of those out. i love this site smart, helpful programmers.

you guys are great. i downloaded code::blocks binary for windows. it pulled the gnu compiler along with it. i got "hello world" running. From start to "hello world" -- (drum roll please) 30 min.

i figured i would get it working on windows and then do the same thing on my linux (ubantu) platform. You saved me at least 8 hours. how do i buy you guys a beer?

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