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Connect to website and read data

May 26, 2009 at 10:49pm
What code must be inserted in a Visual C++ console program which allows the program to connect to a website and read off a data from a box?

For example,
1. Open program
2. Program connects to a website
3. Program reads off data from the website, such as a textboxes
4. Program then returns an output in the console application depending if the data from the website is true or false
Like... if (this value==true) {cout << "true";)
May 27, 2009 at 3:57am
Under windows, you might want to try Windows Internet:

I could maybe whip up a simple example tomorrow of downloading a file.

For searching the html text once you've downloaded it, it's handy to use regular expressions, available in Boost and TR1. But they're not needed for simple searches.
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