I'm making a small program to practice Binary Search that let the user input a number to search for. BUT the user should also be able to enter a letter like x to exit the program instead of the number.
Now I'm a bit stuck. I can't use an integer because it needs to accept the letter. But I need to use the value of the inserted number to search in my integer array.
An unsigned char can be 0-255. It does not store an 8 bit character representing the single numerical digit, it stores the binary representation of the number.
unsignedchar selection;
cout << "Please enter the number where you're looking for or press x to exit the program: ";
cin >> selection;
if (selection == 'x')
cout << selection;
cout << selection << " Not x selected";
This is just for testing - I can enter x, but if I enter 27 for example, it outputs 2 as it's a char type. What I need is something that can store both the numbers and the letter and I must be able to work with the numbers.
A char is an integral type which can be used to store the numerical representation of a character (the same is true for all integral types, actually). You can input into a char and pretend it's a character, or pretend it's a number, but not both.
Bv202: Use std::getline() with std::string. Once you have the input, first check if it equals "x". If it doesn't, convert it to a number. atoi() will work for this.
Thank you helios, I'll have a look at that way. It will be for tomorrow though, I don't have enough time left now to concentrate on this. I'll let you know if I managed to let it work tomorrow :)
string selection;
cout << "Please enter the number where you're looking for or press x to exit the program: ";
cin >> selection;
if (selection = 'x')
quit = true;
selection = atoi(selection);
cout << selection;
Line 3: It's preferable to use std::getline().
Line 5: Assignment operator inside an if expression. 'x' should be "x".
Lines 11: atoi() takes a const char *. To get the C string from an std::string call std::string::c_str().
1) Why getline()? I've looked up the tutorial about it but don't understand why and how to use this.
2) I've changed that to 'x' because it gave me this error:
error C2451: conditional expression of type 'std::basic_string<_Elem,_Traits,_Ax>' is illegal
After changing "x" to 'x', the error is gone.
3) Ehh... can you show an example of that?
Thanks again :)
So getline() stores every character into an array or something? What's the point of that?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib> // for atoi(). see note below
usingnamespace std;
int main()
string user_input;
int selection;
cout << "Please enter the number you are looking for\n""Or press X to exit the program\n""> "
<< flush;
getline( cin, user_input ); // Safe and works for any input. Also, it behaves properly with the user.
if (user_input == "x") // Notice that we are comparing against a string literal now
quit = true;
selection = atoi( user_input.c_str() ); // And here, we pass a char* to atoi()
cout << "You chose number " << selection << endl;
return 0;
Okay, thank you very much; I'm starting to understand it :)
I'm skipping that part about the stringstreams... indeed I haven't learnt such things yet.
A few more questions...
1) I didn't include cstdlib, but it works fine. Why?
2) What is exactly the use of getline()? Is there anything wrong with cin >> varname; ?
3) Can you explain what this mean?
From the tutorial:
Generates a null-terminated sequence of characters (c-string) with the same content as the string object and returns it as a pointer to an array of characters.
An std::string is, basically, a vector of chars. It contains a size variable and an array of chars.
C strings are simple arrays, so they don't have size. Instead, their end is determined by the first 0 from the start.
atoi() takes a pointer to a C string, so you can't pass it an std::string. Instead, you call std::string::c_str(), which returns a C string equivalent of the std::string.
Example: atoi(s.c_str())
Duoas probably has a reason to suggest you use std::stringstreams instead of atoi(), so you might want to listen to him. I myself don't see any difference between using atoi() or std::stringstream.
Atoi() is fine... it just doesn't handle errors very well -- and it is part of the C standard library. Why not do things the C++ way? You are already when using cin.
Users always expect to enter an answer, meaning that they will type their answer then press the Enter key to signal that they are done. This is called line-buffered input -- which is the default input method on a text terminal (or console window).
Hence, you should get input from the user one line at a time (into a string), and then parse it into whatever you are looking to get (such as a number). This lets you trap and handle errors much more easily, and leads to more robust programming practices.