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User profile: zoran404

User info
User name:zoran404
Joined:Dec 21, 2012 at 9:37pm
Number of posts:263
Latest posts:

Tic tac toe game.
[quote]but every time I play the game, it decides to choose two places to put its turn in[/quote] Pe...

curiosity abuot Akinator
If it's written in c++ and it's not open source then you're out of luck. I see there is an android ...

bind function with return value
Wrap the function that returns a value in a function that instead takes a reference and assigns the ...

Dealing with buffers in a game server.
[quote]I'm not clear on why you can't fully read the input stream[/quote] My streams look like this:...

new guy is probably WAY over his head...
[quote]I read somewhere that [code]cin.ingnore()[/code] will just pause the program until the user h...