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User profile: yotama9

User info
User name:yotama9
Joined:Jun 27, 2010 at 5:13pm
Number of posts:65
Latest posts:

deprecated config.h and map.h
sohguanh, thanks for your replay. I'm not sure that I understood your answer correctly... As ...

deprecated config.h and map.h
bump (I should note that I an e-mail that someone has replied this post but I can't see this

deprecated config.h and map.h
Hi guys. I get warning that I'm using deprecated headers. When I searched my code I have only fo...

preventing complex warning
Thanks. I wasn't sure what is the meaningful part but I suspected the first. I think I know where my...

preventing complex warning
Hi guys. In my code I create some complex numbers and I try to manipulate them in something of t...

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User: yotama9

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