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User profile: xplainet

User info
User name:xplainet
Joined:Sep 3, 2013 at 9:13pm
Number of posts:36
Latest posts:

detect network drive remote and use as variable?
Well I do not claim to be any kind of professional, and neither is the company I work for. We are ve...

detect network drive remote and use as variable?
I'm sorry, but I'm not too well versed on what CName is. Every location has an actual different nam...

detect network drive remote and use as variable?
Hello! I have about 75 offices all with slightly different configurations as far as how their networ...

check input string with other inputs?
But I don't know how I would store "author" into the "authorList" after checking it. also, having a...

check input string with other inputs?
I'm in a rush for time for this, so any help would be greatly appreciated. The path I took on a proj...

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User: xplainet

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