User profile: vasilenko93

User info
User name:vasilenko93
Old user name:Alex Vasilenko
Name:Aleksandr Vasilenko
Location:Citrus Heights, CA
Number of posts:87
Latest posts:

about switch statements
Try something like this. [code] string userInput = ... // get the input from the user userInput = st...

hide in .exe
I know of games that do that, but I never understood how. Hope that helped...

copy to clipboard *EDIT* I realized that is for Windows. However for L...

calling an array from another program
I see only two ways. Interprocess communication, which by looking at what rabster wrote is WAY easi...

real basic class function help!!
Start by scrapping those [code]cin << ...s[/code], and have a private variable to hold them. Also i...

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User: vasilenko93

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