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User profile: tomazi

User info
User name:tomazi
Joined:Mar 29, 2013 at 12:42am
Number of posts:12
Latest posts:

Braking out of if statement
thanks for you suggestions guys, Maybe my question is misunderstood but the problem i had before i a...

Braking out of if statement
Hey people I am writing a program in which i am using a if statement to check if some condition is...

For loop adding to a variable
Well I dont know how many times the loop should run I want it to be dynamic.......meaning that the i...

For loop adding to a variable
OK thx for your replays guys......But what should i do to make it work in this case.

For loop adding to a variable
I am trying to create a loop that adds 1 to a int variable every time the if statement is true Bu...