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User profile: tmason

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User name:tmason
Joined:May 19, 2014 at 9:47pm
Number of posts:112
Latest posts:

Class Object Initialization Question ...
Thank you for the examples! Good to know this stuff :)

How many professionals working in the field do *not* have a degree?
Missing the point. *sigh* When you are getting your degree you are also building relationships as w...

Class Object Initialization Question ...
Hello, I have a quick question that arouse out of curiosity. Suppose you have a class like so: ...

How many professionals working in the field do *not* have a degree?
Professional developer here with no Computer Science degree. Overall I regret it and not just for th...

Using std::greater and std::sort with objects ...
[quote] You need parenthesis when creating the std::greater object. [code]std::sort(unsortedVector....

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User: tmason

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