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User profile: tipaye

User info
User name:tipaye
Name:Tobi Ipaye
Joined:Sep 23, 2013 at 12:03pm
Number of posts:535
Latest posts:

Program is in infinite loop for some reason.
Hint: Try handling input errors.

user number display
I'll try and point out [b]a few[/b] of the problems using ///, and then make some suggestions: [cod...

Simple logic question
Pretty sure "!" has higher precedence than "==", so that[code] !vec.size() == 0[/code] is not the sa...

task Problem set Methode
The first parameter is not a string, it's a "const CJulianDate&". As far as your program goes, 2017....

conversion const char* to int
One problem is a pattern in this code. Picking one instance: [code] if ( first == 0 ) first1 == ...

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User: tipaye

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