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User profile: thecryptarch

User info
User name:thecryptarch
Joined:Mar 2, 2015 at 9:43pm
Number of posts:14
Latest posts:

Conflicting Types Error
Hi all. I am getting an error conflicting types for 'dispense' at line 11. Not quite sure how to fix...

Arrays and Structs
Oh I thought all I had to state was what I had on line 5.

Arrays and Structs
But dont I still need a variation of lines 68 -73 to run the function?

Arrays and Structs
Hello all. Building a program that function is to convert a numeric score to a letter grade. I am ge...

Sorting and Arrays
Now one last question. Now that I removed the "[]" within the parenthesis at line 8, line 19 now sta...

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User: thecryptarch

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