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User profile: the other jorge

User info
User name:the other jorge
Joined:Jan 19, 2022 at 4:07am
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

How to get program to distribute input by alternating between two, multi-line string inputs
One line at a time, or one set of multi-line text at a time? I need the user to paste sets of multi-...

How to get program to distribute input by alternating between two, multi-line string inputs
Hello I need to get this output: 1) type a: 1a type b: 1b 2) type a: 2a type b...

How to combine/sort text from an email and a .txt doc
Here's my best progress so far #include <iostream> //#include <string> using namespace std; i...

How to combine/sort text from an email and a .txt doc
No error codes, it just didn't do anything when I ran it. The program didn't react to any inputs

How to combine/sort text from an email and a .txt doc
Doesn't do anything, sorry

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User: the other jorge

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