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User profile: tanezavm

User info
User name:tanezavm
Name:Virgil Fritz Taneza
Bio:With 8 years of C/C++ software development experience
Joined:Dec 6, 2014 at 4:42pm
Number of posts:72
Latest posts:

Using g++ to link to libraries
You should try also specifying the...i think -I options for each of possible boost library's include...

how to display structure content ?
use cout to display something. you can use the . operator to a struct object to access its members a...

Having problems reading in from/writing to files in C++
I found some problem in read function below: [code] void read(static ifstream & input, string & pilo...

Syntax error 'return' etc...
what is the content of "sapclassbasic.h"? Also try to change line 1 into #include<iostream>

[code] string title_tosearch; cout << "Enter a title of the book to search from file: "; cin >> tit...

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User: tanezavm

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