User profile: stonedviper

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User name:stonedviper
Number of posts:69
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Why doesn't the variable change as expected?
Ok so I'll admit i haven't been programming for a very while and I was trying to familiarize myself ...

Kindly explain this binary tree array
Because that's not how a binary tree is implemented it's implemented as follows [code] struct node...

why do I get an extra operator?
Nevermind I figured it out it's in the counter substr function. I needed to substract from j i.

why do I get an extra operator?
Hi I was trying to implement a reverse polish notation,and it works but... here's the problem not...

What's wrong with my pancake sort?
Sorry for the late reply haven't checked any of the solutions that you gave I will try them now. St...

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User: stonedviper

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