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User profile: smartypantzss

User info
User name:smartypantzss
Name:Diego Baca
Location:United States
Bio:19 year old student at laguardia community college, studying computer science
Statistical data
Birthdate:Oct 25, 1995
Joined:Apr 2, 2015 at 7:44pm
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

C++ homework help
whats wrong with what you have so far? idk if that variable for pi works though you just have to sa...

Constructor and parameters pls help
well yea, what's the point of making another constructor with the exact same parameters? You have th...

Constructor and parameters pls help
you forgot the std:: on line 13 but idk if thats the error

Constructor and parameters pls help
constructors are functions so you don't need to put a semicolon at the end of the definition body a...

string and save it to another string please help!
look up splitting a string by tokens