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User profile: siery

User info
User name:siery
Location:Katowice, Poland
Bio:I am a freelancing graphical designer from Poland. I do also love to get know new technologies, math and coding.

email: siery@comic.com
Statistical data
Birthdate:Aug 16, 1996
Allegro 5
Joined:May 24, 2013 at 10:38am
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

Unexpected behavior of ncurses printw()
I see I was because of this code: [code]attron(A_ALTCHARSET); printw("a"); attroff(A_ALTCHARSET);[...

State/class factory problem
Hello! I been trying to some kind structure my game data. In the book "Game Programming Gems" I find...

Unexpected behavior of ncurses printw()
The think I don't understand is where this `mysterious` characters are outputted? I mean, I see that...

Unexpected behavior of ncurses printw()
Hej! I write a simple program using ncurses (that's the first time I use it), which should read the...

Fibonacci number calculation method problem
Yes, u have right, one value to much. Starting values should be: F0 = 0, F1 = 1 not F1=F2=1 I like ...